Collateral is a four-part British television drama serial, written and created by David Hare, and directed by S. J. Clarkson. It was first broadcast on BBC Two on 12 February 2018.
The series, described by Hare as "a police procedural without any of that police attitudinising", stars Carey Mulligan as DI Kip Glaspie, assigned to investigate the shooting of a pizza delivery driver in inner city south London. The ensuing story explores a complex web of characters who are all somehow connected with the story. Nathaniel Martello-White stars as Glaspie's partner, DS Nathan Bilk. Jeany Spark, Nicola Walker, John Simm and Billie Piper are also credited as principal members of the cast.
The series was Hare's first original series for television, despite having written for the BBC since 1973. Piers Wenger, the BBC's head of drama, described the series as "a contemporary and thought-provoking state-of-the-nation thriller that pushes the boundaries of what audiences expect."
The show was produced by The Forge and distributed worldwide by All3Media, which brought Netflix on board to co-produce the series and release it internationally on 9 March 2018. Dazzler Media released a DVD of the series on 26 March 2018.