David Rose is a fictional character in the Canadian sitcom Schitt's Creek, which aired on the CBC and Pop TV from 2015 to 2020. David, a member of the central Rose family, is introduced as the spoiled adult son of Johnny and Moira Rose, and the older brother of Alexis Rose. His initial stories revolve around his attempts to adjust to the family's sudden loss of wealth and subsequent banishment to Schitt's Creek, a small town his father purchased as a joke for his birthday years earlier. As the series progresses, David's story focuses on his small business, Rose Apothecary, and his romantic relationship with Patrick Brewer.
The character was portrayed by Dan Levy, who created the series alongside his father, Canadian actor Eugene Levy, for the entirety of the series' 80 episodes. His performance as David has been largely praised by critics and fans, earning him four consecutive Canadian Screen Award nominations and one nomination and one win at the MTV Movie & TV Awards for Best Comedic Performance and a Primetime Emmy Award win.
David's character also garnered attention as one of the first openly pansexual characters depicted on television. The casual treatment of his sexuality and the absence of any homophobia has also been noted as rare for television. In 2019, Schitt's Creek won two Dorian Awards and was nominated for a GLAAD Award for its representation of LGBT characters.