Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous is an American science fiction action-adventure animated television series developed by Zack Stentz for Netflix and is the first television series in the Jurassic Park franchise, set before, during, and after the events of the film Jurassic World (2015). Aaron Hammersley and Scott Kreamer serve as showrunners and executive produce the series along with Lane Lueras, Steven Spielberg, Colin Trevorrow, and Frank Marshall. The main cast features the voices of Paul-Mikél Williams, Sean Giambrone, Kausar Mohammed, Jenna Ortega, Ryan Potter, and Raini Rodriguez as a group of teenage campers who become stranded on Isla Nublar after multiple dinosaurs escape their habitats.
The first season premiered on September 18, 2020. In 2021, a second season was released on January 22; a third on May 21; and a fourth season on December 3. A fifth and final season was released on July 21, 2022. A standalone interactive special titled Hidden Adventure was released on November 15, 2022. The series received generally positive reviews for its animation, characters, and voice cast, though responses to its character designs and writing were mixed. At the 48th Annie Awards, the series won the award for Outstanding Achievement for Animated Effects.
A sequel series, Jurassic World: Chaos Theory, premiered on May 24, 2024, on Netflix.