Sweet Tooth is an American fantasy drama television series developed by Jim Mickle. It is based on the comic book series created by Jeff Lemire and published by DC Comics' Vertigo imprint. The series premiered on Netflix in June 2021, with a second season released in April 2023, and a third and final season announced the following month. The third season premiered on June 6, 2024.
Development on the show began in 2018 at Hulu. By 2020, the series had moved to Netflix. Filming took place in New Zealand. Nonso Anozie, Christian Convery, Adeel Akhtar, Stefania LaVie Owen, Dania Ramirez, Aliza Vellani, Will Forte, Neil Sandilands, Marlon Williams, Amy Seimetz, Rosalind Chao, Kelly Marie Tran, and Cara Gee star while James Brolin provides the narration.
Sweet Tooth is set in a world in which a virus has killed a majority of the world's human population, coinciding with the emergence of hybrid babies that are born with animal characteristics. The main story follows Gus (played by Convery), a naïve 10-year-old deer hybrid, who sets out to find his mother after his father's death.
The series has received critical acclaim, earning 20 nominations across its first two seasons at the Children's and Family Emmy Awards, winning four.