Ten: Tenhō-dōri no Kaidanji (天 天和通りの快男児, lit. Ten: The Nice Guy on the Path of Tenhō) is a Japanese mahjong-themed manga series written and illustrated by Nobuyuki Fukumoto. It was serialized in Takeshobo's Kindai Mahjong Gold from 1989 to 2002, with its chapters collected in eighteen tankōbon volumes. Considered a hit in Japan, it was followed by a prequel focusing on one of the supporting characters Akagi in 1991.
A sequel series, set 3 years after the events of Ten, titled Hero: Akagi no Ishi o Tsugu Otoko, written and illustrated by Jirō Maeda with Fukumoto's collaboration, ran in Kindai Mahjong from October 2009 to July 2021. Another sequel, set 20 years after the events of Ten, titled Yami-ma no Mamiya, written and illustrated by Fukumoto, began in Kindai Mahjong in July 2019.
By August 2018, the manga had over 7 million copies in circulation.