"The Haunted Mask" is the feature-length series premiere of the television series Goosebumps. The episode is based on the book of the same name by R. L. Stine and is about Carly Beth, a timid girl who buys a Halloween mask that soon begins merging with her face. It first aired on October 27, 1995, in the United States on the Fox network, where it was viewed by 7.9 million households. In Canada, where the episode was filmed, it aired one day later on the YTV network. At the time, it had almost 3 million viewers and was YTV's highest-rated episode. Kathryn Long, who played Carly Beth, obtained a Gemini Award nomination for "Best Performance in a Children's or Youth Program or Series".
"The Haunted Mask" was released on VHS on March 12, 1996. Billboard ranked the VHS as the 75th bestselling home video of 1996. More than 2.5 million units of the VHS had been sold by August 1996.
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