The Price Is Right is an American television game show where contestants compete by guessing the prices of merchandise to win cash and prizes. A 1972 revival by Mark Goodson and Bill Todman of their 1956–1965 show of the same name, the new version added many distinctive gameplay elements. Contestants are selected from the studio audience. When the announcer calls their name, they use the show's famous catchphrase, "Come on down!"
The program premiered September 4, 1972, on CBS. Bob Barker was the series's longest-running host from its debut until his retirement in June 2007, when Drew Carey took over. Barker was accompanied by a series of announcers, beginning with Johnny Olson, followed by Rod Roddy and Rich Fields. In December 2010, George Gray became the announcer. The show has used several models, most notably Anitra Ford, Janice Pennington, Dian Parkinson, Holly Hallstrom, Kathleen Bradley, and Rachel Reynolds.
The Price Is Right has aired over 9,000 episodes since its debut. It is the longest-running game show in the United States and is one of the longest-running network series in United States television history. The 53rd season premiered on September 23, 2024, with both a daytime and primetime episode, and its 10,000th episode will air in February 2025.
On March 2, 2022, it was announced that The Price Is Right would be inducted into the NAB Broadcasting Hall of Fame. Host Drew Carey and executive producer Evelyn Warfel accepted the award at The Achievement in Broadcasting Awards on the NAB Show main stage in Las Vegas on April 24, 2022.